Information about Disability / Specific Learning Difficulty / Illness / Extenuating Circumstances / Care Leavers

This page contains helpful information and guidance if any of the following is applicable to you as one of our offer holders.

Information for students with a disability, specific learning difficulty or long-term illness

The decision of whether or not to disclose a disability, medical condition, or specific learning difficulty is an individual choice. You may disclose at any point. The majority of students disclose on application. Any disclosure made to the Disability Resource Centre (DRC) is treated confidentially. For further information about this, if relevant, please have a look on the University website here.  

All students who disclose a disability on application will be emailed by the DRC between March and July, of the year they are due to start their course, asking for more information. Engaging with the DRC before you get your results will make for an easier transition into student life. If you have an offer but haven’t disclosed on application, you can disclose at any time. For further information, please have a look at the DRC website: You have been offered a place to study at Cambridge. What next?

Extenuating circumstances: Information for students with problems and/or interruptions to your studies after January, during examinations or other circumstances that may affect your studies 

​​Students who have their studies interrupted or affected by short-term illness, a short-term extenuating circumstance (one that the College is not already aware of), or who encounter a problem in their exams are encouraged to ask their teacher to email the Admissions Office at the College to keep us informed. The information will be placed in your file and taken into account at the time of confirmation.

Information if you have spent time in Local Authority Care

If you have spent time in local Authority Care, please send an email to the Admissions Office at the College, so that we are aware that this is relevant to you as one of our offer holders. We welcome applications from all backgrounds, and Care leavers and estranged students may have specific concerns when considering or starting university, and it’s important to us that you feel supported during this time. There is a lot of support available at Cambridge, so please have a look at the information on the University website about Care Leavers and College Welfare. You are also welcome to contact the Realise Team directly, if helpful.

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