Our study spaces
We offer different kinds of study spaces: large regular desks, height adjustable desks, study carrels, comfortable seating areas and bean bags. We ask that you put chairs back where they were if you’ve moved them.
Leaving books on tables
If you want to leave the books that you are using on a table to come back to later, please fill in one of our peach-coloured reservation slips so that we don't clear the books from the table. Books will be left for three days and then re-shelved (and removed from your Library account if applicable) unless you renew the notice regularly. Please leave all your materials in a neat pile so that others can use the table while you are away.
If you've finished using books that you haven't borrowed, you can leave them on one of the trolleys on the upper floors, or alternatively put them in the returns drop box by the self-issue machine.
Food and drink
You are welcome to bring hot or cold drinks into the Library as long as your drink is in a bottle or a cup with a lid. Please don’t bring in food or open drinks.
Mobile phones
The Library is a very open space and noise travels easily. Please be considerate of others who are trying to work – switch your phone to silent mode and take calls outside.
Lost personal items
We will remove personal property left in the Library and keep it aside until claimed for – we cannot guarantee that we will retain items longer than the end of the current term. Valuable items will be passed to the Porters’ Lodge at the end of the working day.
If you think you have left a personal item in the library, please ask at the Library front desk or email us at library@homerton.cam.ac.uk.