New University Card Request

Reason New Card Required (please select one option)
If you have reported your card as stolen and you have a crime reference number, if you could supply this your new card is provided free of charge.

This can be done by contacting  the non-emergency number (111)  and you should be able to do it over the phone.

Unfortunately if you have lost your card, there is a £15 replacement charge for a new card. You will be able to pay online with confirmation page after making your submission, or in person at the Tutorial Office.

Please bring your old card with you to the Tutorial office once you have received the email to collect your new card, failure to produce your old card will result in a £15 charge for a lost card. 

Please press submit to order your new card, I will then email you when your new card arrives to arrange for you to collect it. If your card was stolen, faded, chip stopped working or broken then no further action will be required.

Please note if you order a new card for any other reason than lost or stolen, you must bring your current card to the Tutorial Office when collecting your new card, or we will assume your card is lost and the £15 charge for a lost card will apply.


If your card is lost then you will be able to make the online payment on the next screen or arrange to pay in person.

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