3rd May 2025 Homerton Postgraduate Congregation
We invite you to join us on Saturday 3rd May 2025, when the College will present graduands at a congregation at Senate House in the late afternoon/evening.
On the day, graduands must gather for robing and dress rehearsal in College. There will also be the group photograph, and an opportunity for professional individual photographs. Graduands and guests will be able to have lunch in College, then you will need to make your own way to Kings College (graduands). We will then process from Kings College to the Senate House. Usually it is an all-day event.
Your guests must be seated in Senate House before the ceremony. You will receive two guest tickets to the Senate House on the Ceremony day. There may be more tickets available, and those will be allocated at a late date once we have a clearer idea of numbers.
Further information regarding dress code at a Congregation is available here: https://www.homerton.cam.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2023-08/dress_code_postgraduate_2023.24.pdf
There are several firms that offer academic dress for hire. Please ensure that you book your gown and hood before the ceremony, and that you collect these before you arrive at Homerton. Contact details for Ede & Ravenscroft outfitters can be found here: https://www2.edeandravenscroft.com/graduation/ and Ryder and Amies here: https://www.ryderamies.co.uk/shop/robe-rentals/.
The University issues the final timetable only one week before the event, at which point we will contact everyone to confirm exact timings via email.
To sign up to receive your degree, either in Person or in Absence, please register below by 10am on Friday 11th April 2025.
After you have registered for the graduation, you will be sent an email confirming your place. You will then receive an email in April with more information, and at that time you will be able to purchase lunch options for you and your guests.