All within the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education:
Director of Teacher Education, 1992 - 2004
Director of Central Asia Projects, 2011 - 2015
2016 - ongoing Director, Avanti Schools Trust (and Chair from May 2017)
2016 - ongoing Member, Diocese of Ely Board of Education
2016 - ongoing Director, Diocese of Ely Multi-Academy Trust
2015 - ongoing Syndic, Cambridge University Press
Gender and achievement
Initial teacher education
Continuing (professional development of teachers/education professionals)
Educational reform in emerging economies
Geography and environmental education
Whole school issues linked to gender and achievement
Initial and continuing teacher education
Developing the expertise of beginning teachers
Younger, M (2016) Effective pedagogies for girls’ learning : A review of recent research, GDST: London
Younger, M (2014) The Gender and Education Agenda in the United Kingodm, 1988 – 2013: The Ever-Turning Wheel, in D Dhar (ed), Education as a Humanitarian
Response: Education and Gender, pp. 119-138. Bloomsbury : London.
Younger, M and George, P (2014) Gender, Schooling and Achievement in the Caribbean, in D Dhar (ed), Education as a Humanitarian Response: Education and Gender, pp. 41-66. Bloomsbury : London.
Younger, M and Cobbett, M (2014) Gendered perceptions of schooling: classroom dynamics and inequalities within four Caribbean secondary schools, Educational Review, 66 (1), pp. 1-21.
Younger, M and George, P (2013) Developing communities of practice in practice: overcoming suspicion and establishing dialogue amongst primary school teachers in Antigua and Barbuda, Professional Development in Education, 39 (3), pp. 312-329.
Younger, M. and Cobbett, M. (2012) Boys’ educational ‘underachievement’ in the Caribbean: interpreting the ‘problem’, Gender and Education, 24 6: pp 611-625
Younger, M. and MacBeath, J. (eds) (2012) A Common Wealth of Learning: Millenium Goals Revisited. Routledge: London
Younger, M. (2012) Partnerships for Leading and Learning: The Contribution of the CCE, in M. Younger & J. MacBeath (eds) (2012) A Common Wealth of Learning: Millenium Goals Revisited. Routledge: London
Warrington, M. & Younger, M. (2011) 'Life is a tightrope': reflections on peer group inclusion and exclusion amongst adolescent girls and boys, Gender and Education, 22, 3: pp 153-168.
Younger, M. (2010) Contextualising the Boys’ Agenda within an inclusive context or Let’s not forget the girls, Implications for policy and practive on gender equality in schools, In Astgeirsdottir, K (Ed), Rapport fra nordiske konferencer i Tórshavn og Reykjavik under Islands formandskab i Nordisk Ministerråd, pp 63- 79. (Nordisk Ministerråd, København 2010).
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. (2009) Mentoring and target-setting in a secondary school in England: an evaluation of aims and benefits, Oxford Review of Education, 35, 2: pp 169-185.
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. (2008) The gender agenda in primary teacher education in England: fifteen lost years?, Journal of Education Policy, 23 (4), pp.429-446.
Younger, M. (2007) The Gender Agenda in Secondary ITET in England: forgotten, misconceived or what? Gender and Education, special edition on Teacher Education.
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. (2007) Closing the Gender gap? Issues of Gender Equity in English Secondary Schools, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 28 (2), pp 219-242.
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. (2006) Would Harry and Hermione Have Done Better in Single-Sex Classes? A Review of Single-Sex Teaching in Coeducational Secondary Schools in the United Kingdom, American Educational Research Journal, 43 (4), pp 579 - 620.
Warrington, M. and Younger, M. , with Bearne, E. (2006) Raising Boys' Achievements in Primary Schools: towards an holistic approach. (Maidenhead : Open University Press).
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. (2006) Working on the inside: discourses, dilemmas and decisions, Gender and Education, Special Edition.
Younger, M. and Warrington, M., with McLellan, R. (2005) Raising Boys' Achievement in Secondary Schools: issues, dilemmas and opportunities (Open University Press).
Younger, M., Brindley, S., Pedder, D and Hagger, H. (2004) Starting points: student teachers' reasons for becoming teachers and their preconceptions of what this will mean, European Journal of Teacher Education, 27, 3: pp 245-264.
Warrington, M. and Younger, M. (2003) 'We decided to give it a Twirl': single-sex teaching in English comprehensive schools, Gender and Education, 15, 4, pp 339 - 350.
Younger, M. and Webster, A. (2003) Environmental Education : Education for Sustainable Development, in J.Beck and M.Earl, (eds), Issues in Secondary Education (Cassell), second edn.
Warrington, M. and Younger, M. (2003) Under-achieving boys' in English primary schools? The Curriculum Journal, 14, 2, pp 139 - 156.
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. (2002) The 'Problem' of 'Under-achieving Boys' : some responses from English secondary schools, School Leadership and Management, 22,4, pp 389 - 405.
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. (2002) Single-sex classes in co-educational comprehensive schools in England: an evaluation based upon students' performance and classroom interactions, British Educational Research Journal, 28, 3, pp353 - 374.
Warrington, M. and Younger, M. (2001) Single-sex classes and equal opportunities for girls and boys: perspectives through time from a mixed comprehensive school in England, Oxford Review of Education, 27, 3, pp 339 - 356.
Warrington, M. and Younger, M. (2000) The Other Side of the Gender Gap, Gender and Education, 12,4, pp 493-508.
Younger, M. and Webster, A. (2000) Environmental Education : Education for Sustainable Development, in J.Beck and M.Earl, (eds), Issues in Secondary Education (Cassell).
Warrington, M., Younger, M. and Williams, J. (2000) Student Attitude, Image and the Gender Gap, British Educational Research Journal, 26 (1), pp 393-407.