Senior Lecturer in Geography and Education, Homerton College, 1993-1998; Admissions Tutor, 1995-1998
Principal Lecturer in Geography and Education and Subject Studies Team Leader, Homerton College, 1998-2001
Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, 2001-2014; Director of Undergraduate School, 2001-2004
Director of Studies in Geography: Homerton College 2001-2014; King’s College 1995-2012; Girton College 1993-1995 (and College Lecturer); Lucy Cavendish College – various years
Fellow of Homerton College, 2003-2016; Emeritus Fellow, 2016-present
Director, Avanti Schools Trust, 2017-present
Social geography, with a focus on social inequalities. Previous research into homelessness, geographies of domestic violence in England and changing patterns of refuge provision through time and space.
Education, focusing initially on the gender gap in education – co-director of a 4-year research project funded by central government, working with around 60 schools across England, in a range of socio-economic contexts. Followed by various smaller projects: aspirations among students from backgrounds without experience of higher education; geographies of masculinity and femininity among fifteen-year-olds in rural, suburban, small city and inner city contexts; education as a possible route from exclusion to inclusion within Britain’s ‘new economy’.
From 2008, with funding from the Centre for Commonwealth (formerly located within the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge): (i) led 4-year longitudinal study on ‘girls against the odds’ in Kenya and Uganda, working in some of the most deprived areas to track 100 girls in each country through their final years of primary school; subsequent intervention projects in Kenya through NGO, focused on child and gender rights; (ii) 5-year research and intervention programme on gender and achievement in Eastern Caribbean.
Postgraduate supervision in Department of Geography in Human Geography and Multidisciplinary Gender Studies
Lecturing and supervision in Human Geography at all levels of the Geographical Tripos
Warrington, M. 2014 ‘Now I am grown I can stand the hunger’: some reflections from primary school girls in poor areas of Kenya, JENdA: A Journal of Culture and African Women’s Studies, 25: 6-26
Warrington, M. and George, P. 2014 Reading for pleasure in paradise: paired reading in Antigua and Barbuda, Literacy, 48.2: 66-71
Cobbett, M. and Warrington, M. 2013 ‘Sometimes it’s fun to play with them first’: girls and boys talking about sexual harassment in Caribbean schools, Culture Health and Sexuality, published online: DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2013.804585
Vohya, S. and Warrington, M. 2013 Student voices in Nairobi, Kenya, in M. Robertson and S. Tani (eds.) Young People Cross-Cultural Views and Futures, Victoria: Acer Press, pp. 86-106
Robertson, M., Walford, R. and Warrington, M. 2013 Young voices from the United Kingdom: A study of contrasts, chapter 10 in M. Robertson and S. Tani (eds.) Young People Cross-Cultural Views and Futures, Victoria: Acer Press, pp. 166-180
Warrington, M., Kiragu, S., Fentiman, A. and Muhwezi, M. 2013 Factors influencing retention in Kenya and Uganda, in J. MacBeath and M. Younger (eds.) Millennium Development Goals Revisited: A Common Wealth of Learning, London: Routledge, pp.61-71
Kiragu, S. and Warrington, M. 2012 How we used moral imagination to address ethical and methodological complexities while conducting research with girls in school against the odds, Qualitative Research. Published 9 August 2012 (iFirst), DOI: 10.1177/1468794112451011
Warrington, M. 2012 Challenging the status quo: the enabling role of gender sensitive fathers, inspirational mothers and surrogate parents in Uganda, Educational Review, DOI:10.1080/00131911.2012.689274
Warrington, M. 2012 'You expect school to be the happiest time of their lives, but it's not': new policy spaces and the unattainable pursuit of equity', in R. Brooks, A. Fuller and J. Waters (eds.) Changing Spaces of Education: New Perspectives on the Nature of Learning, Abingdon: Routledge
Warrington, M. and Kiragu, S. 2012 "It makes more sense to educate a boy": girls 'against the odds' in Kajiado, Kenya, International Journal of Educational Development, 32: 301-309
Warrington, M. and Younger, M. 2011 "Life is a tightrope": reflections on peer group inclusion and exclusion amongst adolescent girls and boys, Gender and Education, 23.2: 153-168
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. 2009 Mentoring and target-setting in a secondary school in England: an evaluation of aims and benefits, Oxford Review, 35.2: 169-185
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. 2008 The Gender Agenda in Primary Teacher Education in England: fifteen lost years? Journal of Education Policy, 23.4: 429-445
Warrington, M. 2008 Decisions and Transitions: meeting the needs of the 'knowledge economy', Environment and Planning: Government and Policy, 26.5: 924-937
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. 2008 The Gender Agenda in Primary Teacher Education in England: fifteen lost years? Journal of Education Policy 23.4: 429-445
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. 2007 Single-Sex Classes in Co-educational Schools, Genderwatch Still Watching ..., Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. 2007 Closing the Gender Gap? Issues of gender equity in English secondary schools, Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education 28.2: 219-242
Warrington, M. and Younger, M. 2007 Partnerships in Gender Research: Processes and Outcomes, Fou i Praksis 2006 Rapport fra konferanse om praksisrettet FoU i laererutdanning, Trondheim: Tapir adakdemisk forlag
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. 2007 In the End is the Beginning: The Search for Gender Equity in English Education, in R. Teese, S. Lamb and M. Duru-Bellat (eds) Education and Equity: International Perspectives on Theory and Policy (Vol.2), Springer Publishing: Dortrecht
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. 2006 Would Harry and Hermione Have Done Better in Single-Sex Classes? A Review of Single-Sex Teaching in Coeducational Secondary Schools in the United Kingdom, American Educational Research Journal 43.4: 579-620
Warrington, M. and Younger M. 2006 Raising Boys' Achievement in Primary Schools: an holistic approach, Maidenhead: Open University Press
Warrington, M. and Younger, M. 2006 Working on the inside: discourses, dilemmas and decisions, Gender and Education 18.3: 265-280
Warrington, M. 2005 Mirage in the Desert? Access to educational opportunities in an area of social exclusion, Antipode, 37.4:796-816
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. 2005 Raising Boys' Achievement in Secondary Schools: Issues, Dilemmas and Opportunities, Maidenhead: Open University Press
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. 2005 Raising Boys' Achievement, London; Department for Education and Skills, Research Report 636
Warrington, M. and Younger, M. 2003 "We Decided To Give It a Twirl": single-sex teaching in English Comprehensive Schools, Gender and Education 15.4: 339-350
Warrington, M. 2003 Fleeing from fear: the role of refuges, Capital and Class, 80:123-150
Warrington, M., Younger, M. and McLellan, R. 2003 "Under-achieving boys" in English primary schools: The Curriculum Journal 14.2: 139-156
Younger, M. and Warrington, M. 2002 Single-sex teaching in a co-educational comprehensive school in England: an evaluation based upon students' performance and classroom interactions, British Educational Research Journal 28.3: 353-374
Younger, M., Warrington, M. and McLellan, R. 2002 The "Problem" of "Under-achieving Boys": some responses from English secondary schools, School Leadership and Management 22.4: 387-403
Warrington, M. and Younger, M. 2001 Single-sex Classes and Equal Opportunities for Girls and Boys: Perspectives through time from a mixed comprehensive school in England, Oxford Review of Education 27.3: 339-356
Warrington, M. 2001 "I must get out": the geographies of domestic violence, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers NS26.3: 365:383
Warrington, M., Younger, M. and Williams, J. 2000 'Student Attitudes, Image and the Gender Gap' British Educational Research Journal 26.3: 393-407
Warrington, M. and Younger, M. 2000 The Other Side of the Gender Gap, Gender and Education 12.4: 493-508