Dr Pauline Goyal-Rutsaert



Before joining Homerton as a college lecturer in Economics in 2013, Pauline Goyal-Rutsaert worked in the private and public sectors as well as in academia. She started her career in the Netherlands where she was a consultant at The Netherlands Economic Institute (Rotterdam, NL) after having been a post-graduate researcher at the Tinbergen Institute (Erasmus Universiteit, NL). After moving to the UK she joined Oftel (London, UK) as a Senior Economic Advisor in the Compliance Group and transferred to Ofcom (London, UK) where she was part of the Economist Team of the Competition Policy Group. There she acquired experience of how best pro-active competition and regulation policies are developed and enforced in the UK communications sector. She has also been, though briefly, a Research Leading Consultant at RAND Europe (Cambridge, UK) in the Innovation and Technology Policy Team.

Outside of her work Pauline enjoys reading, cooking, walking and MogaDao yoga.

Subject areas

Microeconomics and Industrial Organisation

Research Interests
  • Microeconomics, especially Competition and Regulatory Economics
  • Industrial and Strategic Trade Policy
  • Innovation R&D
  • Communication Sector
  • Jadot Fellowship, Cornell University (1988-1991)
  • CREST Fellowship, ENSAE (1992-1993)
Links to online publications, articles or other work

Selected academic publications:

  • "To promote R&D cooperation: a strategic trade policy?", in "Globalization, Technology and Trade in the 21 Century", edited by Hans Singer, Neelambar Hatti and Rameshwar Tandon, New Delhi, B.R. 2001.
  • "Telecommunication services", jointly with D. Foray and L. Soete, in "EC Policies on Competition, Industry and Trade: Conflicts and Complementarities", edited by Buigues, Jacquemin and Shapiro, 1995, Edward Elgar, Aldershot.

Selected consultancy reports

  • Development and application of a methodology to examine knowledge exchange and translational research in the UK agriculture and food supply chain to a specific product, for BBSRC and Defra, 2010-2011.
  • Analysis of pricing structures for sale government data. A welfare theoretic approach, a report for the Dutch Ministry of Interior, 2001.
  • An instrument to assess mergers and takeovers in the Dutch banking sector, a report for the Dutch Competition Authority, 2000.

Contribution to various Oftel and Ofcom policy and regulatory publications (2002-2010)