Richard Hickman was Dean of Homerton College where he was also Director of Studies for Art History (previously Director of Studies for Education at St John's College). He taught in a number of schools over a thirteen year period and has been involved in the education and training of teachers since 1985 - previously at the University of Reading and the National Institute of Education in Singapore.
He is a practising artist, having exhibited in Europe, Asia and Australasia, with eight large solo exhibitions and is (from 2019) Homerton's artist in residence.
His academic interests lie within two broad areas of visual and aesthetic education: philosophical - the nature and purpose of art and design in education, and psychological - in particular, aesthetic development.
Richard has created a document illustrating his Journey through art education.
Current status
- Emeritus Professor, University of Cambridge Faculty of Education
- Emeritus Professorial Fellow, Homerton College
- Honorary Fellow of NSEAD
- 2002: MA (Cantab)
- 1994: PhD University of Reading
- 1985: MA (Art and Design Education) De Montfort University, Leicester
- 1975: ATD (Art Teaching Diploma), De Montfort University, Leicester
- 1975: Cert.Ed, University of Leicester
- 1973: DipAD Nottingham School of Art (Pass in Fine Art, with commendation)
- 1970: Sutton Coldfield College of FE: Pre-Diploma Foundation
Professional History
- 2020: [Jan to May] Visiting Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Institute of Education
- 2016-2018: Professor of Aesthetic Development, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education
- 2013-2018: Dean, Homerton College.
- 2008-2016: Reader, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education.
- 2013-2014: REF output Assessor, sub-panel member (education)
- 2004-2005: OfSTED Additional Inspector for Initial Teacher Education
- 2012-2013: Tutor (PGCE) Homerton College, Cambridge
- 2009-2010: Director of Studies (Education) St. John’s College, Cambridge
- 2008-2009: Acting Dean, Homerton College, Cambridge
- 2002-2010: Director of Studies (History of Art) Homerton College, Cambridge
- 2001-2008: Senior Lecturer, University of Cambridge Faculty of Education
- 1997-2001: Head of Art, Homerton College, Cambridge
- 1994-2001: OfSTED Inspector for Art & Design and Design & Technology
- 1991-1997: Lecturer (PGCE art & design education), University of Reading
- 1988-1991: Lecturer (Art Education) Nanyang Technological University
- 1985-1988: Lecturer (Art & Design Education) University of Reading/Berks LEA. [Joint appointment with the Local Education Authority which involved part-time working in a school as Head of Dept.]
- 1980-1985: Teacher, Deputy Head of Sixth Form, Melton Upper School, Leics.
- 1975-1980: Teacher (Acting Head of Art), New Parks School, Leicester
- 1973-1974: Designer, Wollaton Hall Natural History Museum, Nottingham
Prizes, Awards and Honours
- 2019: Honorary Fellow, NSEAD
- 2014: Sir Herbert Read lifetime achievement award from the International Society for Education through Art, presented in Melbourne, Australia.
- 2013: University of Cambridge Pilkington Prize for Outstanding Teaching.
- 2013 and 2014: ‘Outstanding Educator in Residence’ Ministry of Education, Singapore.
- 2013-2014: Research consultant THALES (a Greek government programme designed to attract high standard researchers from abroad)
- 2013-2014: Research consultant Qatar (National Priorities Research Program)
- 2010-2011: International Consultant, Hong Kong Institute of Education
- 2006: International education consultant, Liveworks.
- 2004: International Consultant, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 1998-1999: International Consultant, in educational quality assurance, funded by the British Council, Kotobe Teacher Training College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 1994-1996: International Consultant, Nanyang Academy of Fine Art, Singapore
Voluntary positions
- 2010-2020: International Consultant, Hong Kong Institute of Education
- 2017-2018: School governor: Parkside Community College
- 2008 - continuing: External board member Footage Foundation
- 2008-2018: Subject specialist, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications
- 2005: Qualifications Curriculum Authority (QCA) invited subject representative for Futures project (a UK government 'blue sky' project)
- 2004: International Consultant, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 1998-1999: International Consultant in educational quality assurance, (British Council) Kotobe Teacher Training College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 1988-91: International Society for Education Through Art (InSEA) Regional representative for South-East Asia/Pacific region.
Doctoral Degree Examining
- PhD Examiner, York University 2022
- PhD Examiner, Cambridge University 2018; 2019; 2020
- PhD Examiner, Anglia Ruskin University 2006; 2020
- PhD Examiner, Herts University 2017; 2019
- PhD Examiner, Charles Sturt University, Australia 2019
- EdD Examiner, University of the Arts, Norwich 2018
- PhD Examiner, Loughborough University 2016
- Ed D Examiner, Sheffield University 2016
- PhD Examiner, Dublin City University 2013
- PhD Examiner, National College of Art & Design, Dublin 2011
- PhD Examiner, Open University 2011
- PhD Examiner, Exeter University 2010; 2013
- PhD Examiner, University of Surrey, Roehampton 2003; 2010
- PhD Examiner, UWIC, Cardiff 2009
- PhD Moderator, University of Surrey, 1994-97
External examining (other)
- 2021-2022: University of Brighton (PGCE art & design)
- 2016-2019: University of Reading (PGCE art & design and design & technology)
- 2006-2009: University of London Institute of Education (PGCE and & design)
- 2001-2003: University of Exeter (PGCE art)
- 2000-2001: University of Central England (MA, art education)
MA Art & Design Validation
- Swire School of Design (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
- Anglia Ruskin University
- National College of Art & Design, Dublin
- Falmouth University of the Arts
Publications and other evidence of expertise
- Hickman, R. (2023). The Cambridge Handbook of Education. Cambridge: KDP/Barking publications. [ISBN: 979-8392206704]
- Hickman, R. (2022). Edujargon. Cambridge: KDP/Barking publications.
- [ISBN: 979-8833272510]
- Hickman, R. (2021). Hickman’s Miscellany for the Peturb’d & Perplex’d. Cambridge: KDP/Barking publications. [ISBN: 979-8544676478]
- Hickman, R. (Editor in chief, 2019). The International Encyclopedia of Art & Design Education (three volumes). Boston: Wiley Blackwell.
- Hickman, R. (2018, revised 7th edition). CHEAT: The Cambridge Handbook of Educational Abbreviations and Terms. Cambridge: Faculty of Education.
- [ISBN: 978-0-9560861-0-5]
- Hickman, R. (2018, revised 4th edition). An Art Miscellany for the Weary & Perplex’d. Corsham: NSEAD/Barking publications [ISBN: 978-0-904684-34-6]
- Pollard, A., with Black-Hawkins, K., Cliff-Hodges, G., Dudley, P., Hickman, R., James, M., Linklater, H., Swaffield, S., Swann, M., Turner, F., Warwick, P., Winterbottom, M. & Wolpert, M. (2014). Reflective Teaching in Schools. London: Bloomsbury.
- Hickman, R. (2013). The Art & Craft of Pedagogy: Portraits of Effective Teachers. London: Bloomsbury. [ISBN: 9781847062901].
- Hickman, R. (2010, revised 2nd edition). Why We Make Art – and why it is taught. Bristol: Intellect. [ISBN: 9781841503783]
- Hickman R. (2008) (Ed.). Research in Art Education: issues and exemplars. Bristol: Intellect. [ISBN: 9781841501994]
- Hickman, R. (2005). Why We Make Art – and why it is taught. Bristol: Intellect.
- [ISBN: 1-84150-126-3]
- Hickman, R. (2005) (Ed.) Critical Studies in Art & Design Education. Bristol: Intellect. [ISBN: 1-84150-127-1].
- Finney, J., Hickman, R., Morrison, M., Nicholl, B. and Rudduck, J. (2005). Rebuilding Engagement Through the Arts. Cambridge: Pearson. [ISBN: 1 85749 858 5]
- Hickman, R. (2004, 2nd ed.) (Ed.). Art Education 11-18: Meaning Purpose & Direction. London: Continuum. [ISBN: 0-8264-7201-X].
- Hickman, R. (2002). ICT in Art & Design. Cambridge: Pearson. [ISBN: 1 85749 621 3].
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- Hickman, R. (2023). Assessment, Creativity & Learning: A Personal Perspective. Future in Educational Research.
- Sinha, P. and Hickman, R. (2017). The Sabar Ways of Knowing: Sustainable ideas towards Educational Ecology. International Journal of Art & Design Education.
- Hickman, R. and Sinha, P. (2017). Adivasi Aesthetic Knowing: A Duographic Account. Visual Inquiry 5 (3) 317-328.
- Hickman, R. (2016). Reflections on art making and evolutionary psychology. Journal of Aesthetic Education. 50 (3) 1-12.
- Yuan, Y. and Hickman, R. (2016). Autopsychography as a form of Self-Narrative Inquiry. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. http://dx.doi.org/10.17863/CAM.876
- Hickman, R. and Sinha, P. (2016). The Sabar Ways of Knowing Through the Arts. Visual Arts Research, 42 (1) 88-103.
- Yuan, Y. and Hickman, R. (2015). 'Tension' and 'Care' as Cornerstones of Criteria for Poetic-Visual Inquiry as Arts-Based Educational Research. Visual Inquiry, 4 (3) 205-222
- Hickman, R. (2015). Assessment in art and design education: Further reflections upon whippet-fancying and Procrustes. Visual Inquiry, 4 (1) 23-31.
- Yuan, Y., Stephenson, P. and Hickman, R. (2015). Museums as Alternative Settings for Initial Teacher Training: Implications of and beyond the ‘Take One Picture’ Programme for Primary Art Education. Visual Art Research, 41 (1) 27-42.
- Hickman, R. & Brens, M. (2014). Art, Pedagogy and Dyslexia. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 34 (3) 335-344.
- Hickman, R. (2014). My personal journey through art education 1956-2013: a visual autopsychography. Imaginar 58 [Portugal] 1-24.
- Denmead, T. and Hickman, R. (2014). Reading between the Obliques. Visual Arts Research Special Issue, 40 (1) 28-30.
- Hickman, R. and Kiss, L. (2013). Investigating Cognitive Processes within a Practical Art Context: A Phenomenological Case Study Focusing on Three Adolescents. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 32 (1) 97-108.
- Antoniou, F. and Hickman, R. (2012). Children’s Engagement with Art – Three Case Studies. International Journal of Education Through Art, 8 (2) 169-182.
- Denmead, T. and Hickman, R. (2012). Viscerality and slowliness: An anatomy of artists’ pedagogies of material and time. International Journal of The Arts & Education, 13 (9) 1-18.
- Brens, M. Hickman, R. (2011) Engagement in the Arts and Self-Efficacy of Adolescent Women. Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art 1 (1) 9-19.
- Hickman, R. (2010). Self portrait - An account of the artist as educator. International Journal of Education and the Arts, 11 (2) 1-15.
- Hickman, R. & Lord, S. (2010). An examination of adolescents' self-efficacy, engagement and achievement in representational drawing. Australian Art Education 32 (2) 73-85.
- Hickman, R. & Eglinton, K. (2010). Exploring the ways in which youth engage with visual material culture in their everyday lives: a framework for inquiry. Australian Art Education 32 (2), 4-16.
- Hickman, R. and Kiss, L. (2010). Cross-Curricular Gallery Learning: A Phenomenological Case Study. International Journal of Art & Design Education 29 (1), 27-36.
- Hickman, R. (2009). Art-based reporting of classroom experience. Australian Art Education 31 (2) 46-63.
- Hickman, R. (2007) Visual Art as a Vehicle for Educational Research. The International Journal of Art & Design Education 26 (3) 135-145.
- Hickman, R. (2006) Raising Pupils' Self Esteem Through Leadership Activities in Art. The International Journal of Art & Design Education 25 (3) 329-340.
- Hickman, R. (2004) Teaching Art to Muslim Students. Visual Art Research, 30 (2), 55-61.
- Hickman, R. and Huckstep, P. (2003) Art and Mathematics in Education. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 37 (1) 1-12.
- Hickman, R. (2001) Students’ Responses to Architecture. The International Journal of Art & Design Education, 20 (2), 161-170.
- Hickman, R. (2001) Art rooms and Art Teaching. Art Education 54 (1), 6-11.
- Hickman, R. (2000) Adolescents’ Concepts of the concept 'Art'. Journal of Aesthetic Education 34 (1), 107-112.
- Hickman, R. (1994) A Student-centred Approach for Understanding Art. Art Education 47 (5) 47-51.
- Hickman, R. (1993) Representational Art and Islam - An Investigation into Muslim Students’ Attitudes in Singapore. Canadian Review of Art Education 20 (2), 71-79.
- Hickman, R. (1993) An Inquiry into Some Muslim Students’ Attitudes to Image Making. Multicultural Teaching 11 (2) 12-16.
- Hickman, R. (1991) Art Education in a Newly Industrialised Economy. Journal of Art & Design Education 10 (1) 179-187.
- Hickman, R. (1990) Reflections upon Art Education in Singapore. Singapore Journal of Education. Special issue, Dec. 1990 82-87.
- Hickman, R. (1988) Art and Technology. Technology in Education. Issue 21, pp 1-6.
Chapters in Books
- Hickman, R. (2023). A Canine Perspective on Aesthetics In V. Vinogradovs (Ed.) Aesthetic Literacy: a book for everyone, Vol. 3, 231-240. Melbourne: Mont Publishing.
- Hickman, R. (2022). Art and Evolution. In V. Vinogradovs (Ed.) Aesthetic Literacy: a book for everyone Vol 2. Melbourne: Mont Publishing.
- Hickman, R. (2022). Aphorisms on Art and the Nature of Being. In V. Vinogradovs (Ed.) Aesthetic Literacy: a book for everyone, Vol 1, 233-234. Melbourne: Mont Publishing.
- Hickman, R. (2022). Self-Portrait of an Art Educator: Looking at the World Through Daily Educational Practice. In Naoe, T. (Ed). The Art of my Research in Art Education.
- Hickman, R. (2020). Evolutionary Psychology and the Visual Arts. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed) SAGE Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. London: Sage.
- Hickman, R. & Heaton, R. (2020). The Purposes of Arts Education. In The Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Education. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Hickman, R. (2019). Teaching and Learning Critical Studies. In The International Encyclopedia of Art & Design Education. Boston: Wiley Blackwell.
- Hickman, R. & Heaton, R. (2015). Visual Art. In D. Wyse, L. Hayward and J. Pandya (Eds) Sage Handbook of Curriculum, Assessment, and Pedagogy. London: Sage, 343-358.
- Hickman, R. & Brens, M. (2015). Art Teachers' Professional Development. In L. Burgess and N. Addison, 3rd ed. (Eds.) Learning to Teach Art & Design in the Secondary School. London: RoutledgeFalmer.
- Hickman, R. & Eglinton, K. (2014). Visual Art in the Curriculum. In Routledge International Handbook of Arts Education Edited by M. Fleming, L. Bresler and J. O’Toole, 145-158.
- Hickman, R. (2013). Empathy and Art Education. In B. White and T. Constantino. Aesthetics Empathy and Education. New York: Sage, 235-246.
- Hickman, R. & Sinkinson, A. (2011) Teacher Education: What We Do and What Could Be Done Better. In M. I Saleh and S. M. Khine, Teaching Teachers: Approaches in Improving Quality of Education. New York: Nova Science, 1-24.
- Hickman, R. (2008). The nature of research in arts education. In R. Hickman (Ed.) Research in Art Education: issues and exemplars. Bristol: Intellect, 17-24.
- Hickman, R. (2007). (In defence of) Whippet-Fancying and other Vices - Re-evaluating Assessment in Art & Design. In T. Rayment (Ed.) The Problem of Assessment in Art & Design. Bristol: Intellect, 77-88.
- Hickman, R. (2006). Some Autobiographical Reflections on Becoming an Art Educator. In Work, Pedagogy and Change: Foundations for the Art Teacher Educator, Lynn Beudert. Reston, VA: NAEA, 1-6.
- Hickman, R. (2005). A Short History of 'Critical Studies' in Art & Design Education. In R. Hickman (Ed.) Critical Studies in Art & Design Education. Bristol: Intellect, 19-29.
- Hickman, R. (2005). School Students’ Responses to Architecture: A practical studio project. In R. Hickman (Ed.) Critical Studies in Art & Design Education. Bristol: Intellect, 139-149.
- Hickman, R. (2004) Diverse Directions: Visual Culture and Studio Practice. In R. Hickman (Ed) (2004, 2nd ed.). Art Education 11-18: Meaning Purpose & Direction London: Continuum, 163-176.
- Hickman, R. (2003). The Role of Art & Design in Citizenship Education. In L. Burgess and N. Addison (Eds). Issues in Art & Design Education. London: RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 84-90.
- Hickman, R. (2001) Foreword to P. Duncum & T. Bracey (Eds) On Knowing - Art and Visual Culture. Christchurch, NZ: Canterbury University Press, i-iv.
- Hickman, R. (2000). Meaning, Purpose and Direction. In Art Education 11-18: Meaning Purpose & Direction R. Hickman (Ed.) London: Continuum, 1-14.
- Hickman, R. and Ash, A. (2000). Further Professional Development in Art. In L. Burgess and N. Addison (Eds.) Learning to Teach Art & Design in the Secondary School. London: RoutledgeFalmer, 294-315.
- Hickman, R. (1999). Representational Art and Islam – a case for further investigation. In R. Mason and D. Boughton, (Eds.) Beyond Multi-Cultural Art Education – International Perspectives. London: Waxmann, 289-301.
- Hickman, R. (1999). React, Research, Respond and Reflect: Language and Learning in Art. In E. Bearne, (Ed.) Use of Language across the Secondary Curriculum. London: Routledge, 165-175.
Monographs and Professional Development Publications
- Winser, K., and Hickman, R. (2009). Teaching Gifted & Talented in Art & Design. Cambridge: Pearson. [ISBN 978 1 84070 739 7] Number of pages: n/a [CD ROM]
- EPPI Review team contributor: Mason R, Steers J, Bedford D, McCabe C (2005). The impact of formal assessment on secondary school Art and Design education: a systematic description of empirical studies. Research Evidence in Education Library. London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, University of London. (68 pages)
- Hickman, R. (2004) Three Web-Based Units: Rationales for Teaching Art; Engaging with Art Objects; Cross Curricular Issues. BBC/Open University. (digital/on-line).
- Hickman, R. (1997) Conceptions of the concept 'art' - Implications for the teaching and learning of art and its constituent concepts. A Bulmershe Papers Monograph, University of Reading. (44 pages).
- Hickman, R. (2000). Student Handbook for Art & Design. Cambridge: Pearson. [ISBN: 185749 637X] (108 pages)
- Hickman, R. (1996). Finding Your First Job: a guide for prospective teachers of art & design. Corsham: NSEAD. [ISBN: 0 904684 27 X] (25 pages).
Invited conference papers and other keynote public presentations
- Assessing Creativity. Keynote, International Forum on Future Education, Chongqing, China, June 2022.
- From the personal to the global: Fundamental rationales for teaching Art
- The Prince’s Teaching Institute, Cambridge June 2017.
- Assessment and Creativity: the global context. Public Lecture, National College of Art & Design, Dublin, March 2014.
- Outstanding Educator in Residence Public lecture: Methodology and Method in Arts Education Research. Singapore Ministry of Education, Singapore, August 2014.
- Assessment & Creativity in Art Education. Public lecture, National Institute of Education, Singapore, August 2013.
- A personal journey through art education 1956-2013 InSEA conference: Tales of Art and Curiosity, Canterbury July 2013.
- Public lecture series organised by the Singapore Ministry of Education, February 2013:
- Research in Art Education; Learning in Art Education; Critical Studies in Art Education.
- Research in Art Education: issues & exemplars. Public Lecture, National College of Art & Design, Dublin, March 2013.
- Advocating art for the next generation. ATAI conference: Charting the future of Art Education, Dublin October 2011.
- Self-Portrait: a visual account of [my] artistic development. Myers Lecture, Teachers' College Columbia University, New York, November 2009.
- Why we make art and how it can enhance engagement. Perspectives on Equipping Children for the Future, The Royal Society, London, March 2008.
- Visual Art as Educational Research. Centre for International Research on Creativity and Learning in Education (CIRCLE) seminar at Roehampton University, February 2008.
- John Dewey and Lessons from Black Mountain College. Starting at Zero - Day seminar on Black Mountain College, Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, March 2006.
- The Contribution of Art to the Whole Curriculum. Raising Achievement through Art & Design, London, February 1997.
- British Council Public Lecture: Why a Goat? Reflections on Pre-Raphaelite Art, British Council Auditorium, Singapore, February 1991.
Peer-reviewed conference papers
- Art, Pedagogy and Dyslexia, iJADE Research conference, Chester, November 2013.
- Creating aesthetic significance: Digging beneath the foundations of culture. iJADE conference: Art & Design Education and Contemporary Culture, Liverpool John Moores University. October 2010.
- Arts-based research. Cambridge Educational Research Association (CamERA) annual conference, April 2007.
- The ‘Icing on the Cake’: Reflections on Art and Creativity in Singapore. Temasek Society, February 2007
- Recent Research Findings in Arts Education. Cambridge Educational Research Association (CamERA) annual conference, April 2006.
- Adolescents’ Views on the Nature and Purpose of Art in Education InSEA Conference Proceedings New York, August 2003.
- Rationales for Teaching Art – an international perspective. InSEA 30th World Congress, Brisbane, Australia, September 1999.
- Representational Art and Islam. Research Colloquium, De Montfort University, Leicester, February 1994.
- Determining Levels of Difficulty Amongst Art Concepts. NSEAD conference Art & Design in Education, Brighton, December 1991
- Art Education in a Newly Industrialised Country. NSEAD conference Art and Design and Regeneration, Glasgow, November 1990.
- A Framework for Developing Students Understanding of 'Art'. InSEA 28th World Congress, Montreal 1993.
- Training specialist art teachers in Singapore. InSEA regional conference Practice and Practise, Darwin, Australia, July 1989.
- Formulating a hierarchy of difficulty amongst concepts used in art and design. Educational Research Association Conference, Singapore, June 1989.
- Trends in assessment and examination in art and design education. Singapore Institute of Education Conference, Art in the Classroom and Beyond. Institute of Education, Singapore, March 1989.
- Practising teachers in teacher education. NSEAD conference, New Initiatives in Art and Design Education, York, UK, October 1987.
Creative work
Hickman, R. (2023). From the Malay Peninsula [poem]. In Whelan (Ed), M. ‘...this green acre...’ Cambridge: Homerton College.
'Solo' Exhibitions
- Ekphrasis: King’s College, Cambridge 2016
- Bad Art: The Zebra, Maid's Causeway, Cambridge 2009
- Diverse Artworks: Kings College Cambridge, 2004
- Sex n Dogs n Rocks n Coal: Rising Sun Arts Centre, Reading, 1994
- Squeezing the Tubes: British Council, Singapore, 1990
- Twelve Months Work: The Loseby Gallery, Leicester, 1985
- Recent Work: The Haymarket Theatre, Leicester, 1979
- Paintings and Prints: Blackthorn Gallery, Leicester, 1978
Mixed Exhibitions
- The Art Of Creative Research, NIE Gallery, Singapore 2023
- Mind The Gap, Michaelhouse Centre, Cambridge, UK 2018
- It’s Your Turn, Kettles Yard, Cambridge, UK 2000
- Homerton College, Cambridge, UK 1997
- Invited group Exhibition, Gun St. Gallery, Reading 1995
- Invited group Exhibition, Reading Public Library 1995
- Art in Focus - Reading Visual Arts 1993
- University of Reading Art Gallery, Reading 1993
- Orchard Point Gallery, Singapore 1990
- Northern Territories Crafts Council, Darwin, Australia 1989
- Orchard Point Gallery, Singapore 1989
- Dieppe Town Hall, France 1982
- Beaumanor Hall, Leics., UK 1982
- Phoenix Theatre, Leicester, UK 1979
- Tamworth Castle, UK 1975
- Nottingham Castle, UK 1974
- Wollaton Hall, Nottingham, UK 1974
Paintings in public collections
- Nanyang Technological University, Institute of Education, Singapore
- Homerton College, Cambridge
- Cambridge University, Faculty of Education
- Berkshire LEA
- British Council, Singapore
- Leicestershire LEA
- Wollaton Hall, Nottingham
- [See also Artuk.org]
Published art works
- Hickman, R. (2022). Ubi Nos Venit A? Quid Sumus? Ubi Sumus Iens? In V. Vinogradovs (Ed.) Aesthetic Literacy: a book for everyone, Vol 1, 233-234. Melbourne: Mont Publishing.
- Hickman, R. (1991). Collage Real Art, 9.
- Hickman, R. (1990). The Death of the Teacher Training Collage, Real Art.
- Hickman, R. (1992). Calendar Gecko Real Art, 2 (2).
- Hickman, R. & Kwan, C. (1995). First Class on Boat. Real Art, 2 (6).