Short Form Text
- Self-Knowledge The School of Life
- These 7+ Steps Will Help YOU Create Habits That Actually change Your Life – Atomic Habits by James Clear Sarah Cy
- Workplace Innovations Need Personal Transformations Inner Work
- Thin Spaces Richard Merrik
- On the Dynamo and Email Cal Newport, Study Hacks
- You’re not a computer, you’re a tiny stone in a beautiful mosaic Anna Katharina Schaffner Psyche Ideas
- 5 Questions with Robert Kegan, Lisa Lahey and Andy Fleming on ‘An Everyone Culture' David Slocam, Forbes 2016.
Books, Academic Articles & Reports
- 4000 Weeks: Time Management for Mortals Oliver Burkemann, 2021
- Untamed: Stop pleasing, start living Glennon Doyle, Ebury, 2020
- Introducing Compassion-focused Therapy Paul Gilbert, Advances in psychiatric treatment 15, 2009: 199-208
- The Art of Rest: How to Find Respite in the Modern Age Claudia Hammond, 2020
- How to Love Thich Nhat Hanh, 2016
- I’m Telling the Truth but I’m Lying Bassey Ikpi, 2019
- The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma Bessel van der Kolk, 2015
- Intrinsic Motivation: A Manifesto to Reignite our Inner Drive Sharath Jeevan, 2021
- The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World. Ian McGilchrist, 2019
- Ways of Knowing Compassion: How Do We Come to Know, Understand, and Measure Compassion When We See It? Jennifer Mascaro et al 11, 2020: 24-67
- So Good They Can't Ignore You Cal Newport 2012
- How to do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy Jenny Odell, 2022
- Know Your Worth: How to build your self-esteem, grow in confidence and worry less about what people think Anna Mathur, Piaktus, 2021
- How to Stay Sane Philippa Perry, 2012
- Letters from a Future in the Making Remake Learning, 2020
- Inner transformation to sustainability as a deep leverage point fostering new avenues for change through dialogue and reflection Cristopher Woiwode, et al. Sustainability Science (16) 2021: 841-858
Organisations & Ideas
- Brené Brown, Encouraging Imperfection and Vulnerability
- Self-Compassion
- The Wellbeing Project Wellbeing inspires Welldoing
- The Compassion Institute Stanford University

Changemakers has introduced me to a community of wonderful and inspiring people. Each Changemaker event I have attended has left me feeling energised and excited to tackle the big challenges our world is facing today. Having the right values, tools, attitude and people on my side has emboldened me to champion radical positive change.
"Homerton Changemakers is a brilliant and necessary invitation for us to raise our game as humans. To explore how to draw new maps for a world with a future.”
Our Directors of Studies, Tutors, Student Union and Support Staff provide unparalleled support during your time here and long after you graduate. You are a Homertonian for life.
Cambridge is famous for rigorous academic lectures, seminars, supervisions and practical sessions. At Homerton, we aim to provide all of this and so much more.