Welcome to Homerton College
A lot of information will be covered during the weeks before term begins, but whenever you're unsure of something in and around College - whether it's how to book extra nights in accommodation, or what to do when you misplace your student card - this website is your first place to find the answers.
After reading all the information on this page, we encourage you to read the other sections of the website. (Please note: not all pages will be available to you yet. You will have this access soon after your online registration).
If there's anything you need to know and you can't find the answers on our website, just email the Tutorial team.
There will be frequent updates to this page in the lead-up to your arrival, so please check the information regularly.
Arrival at College - 2 October 2024
Please arrive between 10:00 and 14:00. Please book your arrival slot (this form will not open until at least 19 August); once you have unpacked your car, we may ask you to move it from the car park at the front of the building to the one at the rear.
Start of Year Programmes
Draft Programme for Undergraduate Freshers, Visiting Undergraduates and Foundation Year students (Updated 27 September, 17:05)
Draft programme for the Pre-sessional Maths courses (Updated 26 September)
Before your arrival, please complete the College Nurse's questionnaire.If you need to log-into the College website to do this, please choose the Login with Windows Azure option, not the Raven option.
When you arrive in Cambridge, you must register with a local doctors' surgery. You may register slightly in advance of your arrival (using Homerton College as your home address), but you must only do this once you have met all the conditions of your offer (academic, financial, etc.) and your place is guaranteed. Most of our students register with the Woodlands Surgery, which is just 5 minutes away by bicycle, or you can see others nearby surgeries using the NHS Find a GP page. It is particularly important for those with existing medical conditions to register with a doctor here in Cambridge so that they have your medical notes: you will still be able to have appointments with your existing hospital and can see your home GP as a visitor.
Important Information
Student Registration
All students must complete the Student Registration exercise every year in order to make sure that the information held on their student records is correct. For Freshers, this is also the way that you can get your CamSIS log-in details, access to your @cam email address and your Desktop Services). The Student Registration Exercise is not a way of registering for, or applying for, a course of study.
You will receive an email from the University (not the College) which will give you instructions about how to log into your Self-Service account and complete the registration. Please do not try to register until you get the email from the University but you are advised to do it as soon as possible after receipt of the email. Registration is a simple process and will only take you a few minutes. Further information is available on the Student Registry website.
Freshers get access to their university email accounts after they have completed the Student Registration exercise. This is important because it is the email address that the College and University offices will use to contact you. You might also hear this email address referred to as your "CRSID" email address, because it is your CRSID at the start:
If you haven't received your registration email by 10th September, please see the UIS pages: Getting Started with IT at Cambridge and Frequently asked questions.
If you are attending a Pre-sessional*, your arrival day – called Travel Day – is Sunday, 29th September.
For all other students, your Travel Day is Wednesday, 2nd October.
*Students in Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Economics, Chemical Engineering via Natural Sciences, and those taking Maths for Physical Sciences (Course A&B option in Natural Sciences) are required to attend a pre-term mathematics course. All pre-sessional students will receive further details via email.
All new first-year students will have an en-suite room in West House on site. We have tried to allocate these with regard to the preferences you outlined on the earlier accommodation questionnaire. You will soon receive another questionnaire that will ask you to accept the residency agreements and schedules.
You will be provided with full bed linen, including a duvet cover, and a towel.
Please note that there will be an additional charge for accommodation for any extra nights that you stay in the college before Wednesday 2 October (£24.10 per night, room only), and payment for these extra nights will be added to your invoice. Students who are not attending pre-term courses may only arrive early in exceptional circumstances and must email the Tutorial Office to request permission.
Our Accommodation and FAQs pages give more precise information about the content of the rooms and kitchen areas. You can find a list of useful items to bring with you in the Cambridge Students’ Union Freshers’ Guide. Please note however, that rooms are compact and have limited storage space. You will be required to take away all of your belongings during the vacations.
Please note that it is the policy of Homerton College that all of our buildings and communal areas are smoke-free and vape-free.
Have you heard the phrase "Keeping Nights", or "Keeping Term"? All undergraduates have to ‘keep term’, by residing, i.e. sleeping, for the required number of nights of Full Term, and may not leave the College without permission until the final Friday of Full Term. More information about your terms of residence is available in the latest Student Handbook (coming soon).
The College has a comprehensive security system on-site equipped with CCTV, which covers all of the grounds, building entrances and common areas of the College. Access control doors are in all residential buildings and key areas of the College. A Porter is on duty 24 hours a day.
You are urged to keep your room locked and not to leave bags or other valuables unattended anywhere in the College. Your contents are covered by the insurance the College has taken out for you while you live in College but you should confirm the cover now and check that it is sufficient for your needs.
We strongly recommend that all international students read the International Student Guide and pre-arrival information which includes advice on healthcare, banking, transport, immigration, your Tier 4 responsibilities, how to collect your BRP and tips to help you settle into life in Cambridge.
Informal events organised by SU International Students' Campaign (ISC):
1. International Family Sign Up
The international family system pairs current international students with freshers, similar to college families. The deadline to sign up is 10 September. Below are the sign up links:
https://forms.gle/b6q9aeNH3SMNdXBe9 (for international freshers)
https://forms.gle/KKHjPS9MjQRqZbhZA (for current international students)
2. International Freshers WhatsApp Group
Link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DRBoWGNXXwu6nCleKJDDvF
3. International Freshers Week Timetable
There are a lot of events happening at the beginning of term, you can find tickets via https://www.cambridgesu.co.uk/whatson/
4. International Freshers Instagram Page
We made an Instagram page dedicated for incoming international freshers (@isc_cambridgefreshers2024). There is also a link to submit your profiles to be posted on our Instagram: https://forms.gle/46ENUXRMLuwHkYmV8
5. International Freshers Guide
Please download International Freshers’ Guide, curated to hopefully make life easier and less stressful for the many students who may find themselves in a completely new environment.
CamSIS and the Cambridge University Skills Portal
CamSIS is the University’s system for handling information relating to your student record. You will need to use CamSIS to make any changes to your contact details and to validate your personal data. You will need to use your Raven password to log in to the system and further information will be provided at the start of your course.
The UIS and your computing accounts
The University Information Services (UIS) department has further information about Getting Started with IT at Cambridge.
You will receive an email before starting your course from the UIS providing a link for you to complete Student Registration in CamSIS, before continuing on to collect your password for the three UIS accounts (Raven, Exchange Online email and Desktop Services). See the UIS pages if you haven't received your registration email by 10th September.
College IT registration and internet access
If you are already registered as a NHS patient in the UK, you can now register with a Cambridge GP online. It is also useful for all students to bring any medical history information and up to date immunisation records. You will be directed to complete an online student health form by our Community Health Adviser, Debbie Ellis, before term begins. Please ensure you complete all questions when registering online.
You can find more information about medical care and our Student Health Advisor on the Wellbeing page, and a list of local GP practices on our local services page.
Please check your protection against vaccine-preventable diseases before you come to Cambridge:
If you don't already have a UK bank account, is a good idea to open one as soon as possible as it can take some time. You will find branches of the major banks in the city centre. Students are advised to begin the process of opening an account online and in advance of arrival. Once all students have arrived, Tutorial will send everyone a student status letter (we are not able to issue these until you are resident in Cambridge); if you need a letter sooner, please visit the Tutorial Office.
For those not taking a UK tuition loan, fees are payable at registration; you do however have a 14 day grace period to make the payment but you may wish to consider having arrangements in place in case your bank account takes more than 2 weeks to set up, i.e. transfer of funds. For those overseas, you could see if any banks allow you to open a bank account online before you come to the UK or check with your bank in your home country to see if they have any special arrangements with any UK banks, as this may help you to open an account or transfer money. Please be aware that international bank transfers incur bank charges. You must therefore ensure that the amount the College actually receives covers your fees in full, or you will still be liable for any shortfall arising from the deduction of bank charges.
The College Accountant and their department deal with all College finances including raising of College bills for registration, accommodation fees, deposit payments, membership fees, tuition fees etc. Homerton College operates the BACS First System with the Student Loan Company (SLC).
Financial documentation
Home students must remember to email a copy of their financial documentation from Student Finance to the College's Finance Office (studentfinance@homerton.cam.ac.uk). For most students this will be a copy of your ‘University or College Payment Advice’. Students in Scotland may receive an Award Letter or Financial Notification letter in place of these. We must have a copy of your documentation in order to re-invoice your Tuition and College Fees to Student Finance.
If you have applied for a student loan and/or a grant from Student Finance, the funds should be paid directly into your bank account within 5 working days of the College Finance Office registering your attendance with the SLC, . Please note that the Finance Office is unable to register your attendance if you fail to provide your SLC paperwork, and this will delay receipt of your maintenance funds.
If you are a Home student who has not applied for Student Support, then you must complete a Fee Status Assessment Questionnaire, which is available from the Admissions Office, along with provision of supporting evidence of your Home fee status. If you have not provided satisfactory evidence of your status a College Fee will be applied, and your Tuition Fee may be charged at the higher overseas rate.
Paying your fees
Students should not withdraw cash to pay their fees. Cash is not a recommended method of payment, and all overseas students are advised to set up a UK bank account as soon as possible in order to avoid carrying large amounts of cash. For security and safety students should not keep large sums of cash unsecured in luggage or bedrooms at any time. Students must consult the College Accountant in advance if cash is the only payment method available to settle their account before the due date.
A College invoice will be emailed to you by Wednesday 2nd October – payment is due within 14 days unless otherwise agreed with the College Accountant. Payment may be made by credit or debit card over the telephone by calling 01223 747125, by bank transfer or via Paypal (details of which will be included with your invoice). Please put your USN in the reference for any bank transfer made to the college to allow us to easily allocate payment to your account. For Home students, payments may be made prior to the start of the term by telephone (01223 747125), whereby the finance office can take payment or provide you with bank/Paypal details if required. International students who require a visa are advised not to make any fee payments to the College until their visa has been obtained.
Cambridge Bursary Scheme
UK students who wish to find out more about the Cambridge Bursary Scheme are advised to visit the Cambridge Bursary Scheme website. There is no separate application process for the Cambridge Bursary; the Student Loans Company will automatically assess any student applying for an income-assessed maintenance grant/loan. The college will then write to you to inform you if you are awarded a bursary, which is usually paid in three instalments throughout the year.
There is an Educational Premium payment of £1000 per annum for UK students who have been eligible for free school meals. Independent students and care leavers may also be entitled to extra funding to help cover the cost of accommodation over the summer: for more information, visit the Cambridge Students webpage.
Outreach Scholarships
Click on the link for more information and the application forms (available from mid-August).
The Stormzy Scholarship for Black UK students
Formula 1 Scholarships for UK students from a background under-represented in Engineering (including women, those from a lower income background, and under-represented ehtnic minorities.
Geography Scholarship for Black UK students from a low income and/or disadvantaged background
Clare College Area Links Scholarships are for students from a low income background from Coventry, Warwickshire, the London borough of Hackney or the London borough of Tower Hamlets, who will be studying Natural Sciences at any College.
Other Funds
The Leverhulme Trade Charities Trust offers financial support for grocers, pharmacists, commercial travelers and their families. They offer bursaries of up to £3000 for undergraduates and £5000 for postgraduates.
All new Black undergraduate, foundation year and postgraduate students are warmly welcome to register for an online induction session coordinated by a student team from Cambridge's Black Advisory Hub. This per-term online induction event is an opportunity for new students to learn how to confidently navigate relevant student services, ask questions of current Black students from a range of colleges, courses and societies. It will be followed by a programme of in-person activities during term time. The first online event is scheduled for Thursday 19 September, 1-5pm. If you are commencing your studies in 2024-25, are a self-identifying Black student and would like to attend the initial online event, please find the registration link here. For more information, please look for updates on the Black Advisory Hub website, or email us.
If you wish to buy a gown, you can get them from Ryder and Aimes and Ede & Ravenscroft. If you choose to get a gown, please bear in mind that all colleges do not have the same gown so you must get one for Homerton. The gown that undergraduates would wear during their course is the same gown that they wear for graduation.
There will be a limited number of gowns available free of charge to care leavers (provided by Tempest Photography, the official graduation photographer). The Tutorial Office will apply for these for eligible students and let them know if a gown has been secured for them.
Safer Cycling
Many students choose to cycle around Cambridge - it is quick and convenient but please make yourself aware of the rules of the road for cyclists. Camcycle has produced some useful leaflets with further information about responsible cycling and keeping your bike safe.
Welcome to Cycling in Cambridge (includes a map)
Cycle Lighting
Save Your Cycle from Theft
Around the world in August and September, University Alumni Groups will be hosting online and in-person freshers events for new undergraduate and postgraduate students starting a course at Cambridge this autumn. The optional events are a great opportunity to hear from current and former students about their experiences of Cambridge and to meet other new starters before the beginning of term.
View the schedule of events.
Homerton has a varied and lively extra-curricular music scheme, and we actively encourage our students to explore their love of music. There are ensembles for everyone, from the professionally-run Charter Choir and Homerton Singers to student-run groups such as the Concert Orchestra and Homerton Jazz. Music at Homerton is primarily organised by the Homerton College Music Society (HCMS), run by an elected committee of students and overseen by the Director of Music. HCMS organises weekly or fortnightly recitals by students and professionals, and there are larger 'showcase' concerts at the end of each term.
The Centre for Music Performance website has a lot of information about musical opportunities on offer in Cambridge, whatever subject you are studying and whatever type of music you are into.
The following is information from the SLC/HEP Services.
As the new academic year approaches, please be aware of smishing scams. Smishing is fraud involving text messages and is currently the most popular form of scam targeted at students. We will never ask you to provide or verify your personal or financial information via email or text message. Please pay attention to any communications that you receive from us over the coming weeks. Think before you click.
Top tips
- We will never contact you through social media channels such as WhatsApp or Instagram.
- Please review the spelling and grammar of the message as poor punctuation and misspelling are often signs of smishing.
- Keep an eye open for any suspicious emails, calls or texts around the time of an expected payment.
- Scam emails are often sent in bulk and commonly start with 'Dear Student', rather than personal names.
- Urgent messages are usually not genuine, for example, 'failure to respond within 24 hours will result in your account being closed'.
- Think before you click by hovering over a link first and, if in doubt, do not risk selecting it.
- Always use official phone numbers, the online account and official communication channels to verify the contact received is genuine.
- Be mindful of information you share about yourselves online, to help guard against identity theft.
- SLC, Student Finances England (SFE), Student Finance Wales (SFW) or Student Finance Northern Ireland (SFNI) send a text message to students if a change has been made to their bank details. If you haven't changed your bank details and receive a message, please contact the relevant SLC body.
- You can find guidance on identifying a scam at gov.uk.
Subject-Specific Information
From Thursday 22nd August you will now be able to get started on the STEMbridge preparation programme for first year Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology students.
Please go to https://www.vle.cam.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=252252 and click on “Getting Started”.
From Thursday 22nd August you will now be able to get started on the STEMbridge preparation programme for first year Engineering students.
Please go to https://www.vle.cam.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=221632 and click on “Getting Started”.
The workbook can be found here: http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/undergrad/admissions/other-useful-information
Guide to Courses in Part IA here: http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/undergrad/course
Please do not buy calculators or textbooks without consulting with the relevant Director of Studies. The College Library will often have multiple copies of important texts and the University has tight restrictions on the models of calculators which may be used in the exams. The NatSci (Physical) DoS, Bob Dillon, will give you more information shortly but he is happy for you to email him now if you wish to.
From Thursday 22nd August you will now be able to get started on the STEMbridge preparation programme for first year Natural Science Students.
Please go to https://www.vle.cam.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=252261 and click on “Getting Started”.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I use a rice cooker/slow cooker/air fryer? or What electrical appliances can I use in College?
Q. I need a letter to open a UK bank account, please may I have a letter to say that I am a student?
We cannot issue you with a bank letter until you have arrived in Cambridge and Term has started. Please fill in the form here and we will process the letter once you arrive.
Q. I need to book air-tickets, when do terms end?
Term dates may be found here.
Q. Can I go home for Christmas?
Take care if you leave Cambridge over Christmas, you might have mock exams before the Lent Term starts. Check with your DoS to see if you will have mocks: if you do, you should plan to be here ready to start your exams on 20 January 2024.
Q. I can't find a reading list for my subject, please will you send me one.
Your DoS may contact you about preparatory reading. You should also check the relevant Faculty or Department website (the directory is here) and look for information for first years.
Q. My DoS hasn't contacted me about the preparatory reading, what should I do?
Don't worry, not all DoS ask their new students to do preparatory reading. If you can't find anything on your Faculty or Department web pages and you want to do some reading, choose something which interests you.
Q. Can I come to Cambridge before 2 October?
You are welcome to arrive in Cambridge before 2 October but, your accommodation will not be ready for you.
Pre-sessional students should arrive on 29 September.
If there are exceptional reasons why you need to arrive early, please contact the Tutorial Office.
Q. How do I join the Freshers' chat
Please email the HUS President