If you completed the BEd course, and you need an academic transcript, please write to:
Transcript Request, Tutorial Office, Homerton College, Cambridge CB2 8PH
or email the the Tutorial Office.
Please enclose a cheque to the value of £30 made payable to 'Homerton College, Cambridge' and a stamped addressed envelope. We will need to know:
- your name as a student
- your current name
- your postal address
- the years when you were at Homerton
- the title of your course.
If you need a BA transcript or a replacement degree certificate, please contact the University.
Please allow up to 28 days for these requests to be processed.
For PGCE transcripts, please see the Faculty of Education website.
Former Higher Degree students should contact their relevant Faculty. You'll find the address you need on the main University website.
Current students can request a Student Status Letters and College Transcripts online.