College Prayer Room
Homerton has a designated quiet reflection space available to students, which may be used for prayer or other personal reflection. This room can be found on the second floor of the Cavendish building within the ABC accommodation block.
Religious Observance
Homerton is a non-denominational College and respects and encourages all established religious observance of whatever faith or background. Although it has its origins in the Congregational church and still has constitutional links with the United Reformed Church, Homerton has no chapel or permanent place of worship. While we may not have our own Chapel, the Charter Choir has a long-standing affiliation with St. John The Evangelist Church, located just opposite the College. The Choir often take part in evensong services, and College members are always welcome to attend. Traditionally, students who wish to participate in a religious community do so at one of the various centres of worship in the city.
All religious activity is therefore organised on an informal basis, often in association with student groups and societies. Within the University there are flourishing Student Union Societies for almost every World Religion and all of the Christian denominations.
Where religious observance for a holy day in one of the world religious calendars clashes with the University or College timetable, students will be excused attendance at lectures but must notify their Tutor of their absence in advance. The same applies for days or nights at the beginning or end of term when travel is prohibited on religious grounds. Special tuition will not be provided.