Mr John Beck
Head of Education Studies and Principal Lecturer, Homerton College, (1986-2001);
Lecturer in Education, University of Cambridge Faculty of Education, (2001-2008);
Staff Trustee on College Board of Trustees (1989-1995 and 1998-2001);
Chair of Homerton Branch of the National Association of Teachers and Lecturers in Higher Education (1992-2001);
Fellow of Homerton College (2003-2008)-Emeritus Fellow of Homerton College (2009- present).
Sociology of education, citizenship and citizenship education, professions and professionalism, educational policy.
Lecturing and supervising at undergraduate and masters level in sociology of education; curriculum studies; politics, democracy and education.
Standing Conference on Studies in Education prize for the outstanding book on Education published in 1998 – for J. Beck (1998) Morality and Citizenship in Education, London, Cassell.
Beck, J. (2007) ‘Education and the Middle Classes: Against Reductionism in Educational Theory and Research’, British Journal of Educational Studies, 55, 1, 37-53.
Beck, J. and Earl, M. (eds) (2007) Key Issues in Secondary Education – Chinese language edition, Beijing Normal University Press, translation of Key Issues in Secondary Education – 2nd Edition (2004) London: Continuum.
Beck, J. (2008) Meritocracy, Citizenship and Education: New Labour’s Legacy, London, Continuum.
Beck, J. (2008) ‘Governmental Professionalism: Re-professionalising or de-professionalising teachers in England?’ British Journal of Educational Studies, 56, 2, 119-143.
Beck, J. and M. Young (2008) Investida Contra as Profissoes e Reestruturacao das Identidades Academicas e Profissionais, Cadernos de Pesquisa, Vol. 38. No. 135, 587-609, (Brazil), Portuguese translation by C .R. Duarte and I. Dulley of J. Beck and M. Young (2005) The Assault on Professions and the Restructuring of Academic and Professional Identities: A Bernsteinian Analysis, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 26,2, 183-197.
Beck, J. (2009) ‘Appropriating professionalism: restructuring the official knowledge base of England’s ‘modernised’ teaching profession’, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 30, 1, 3-14.
Beck, J. (2010) ‘Promoting official pedagogic identities: the sacred and the profane’, in K. Maton and R. Moore (eds) Social Realism, Knowledge and the Sociology of Education: Coalitions of the Mind, London, Continuum, 81-92, originally published (2002) in British Journal of Sociology of Education, 23, 4, 617-626.
Beck, J. (2011) ‘A brief history of citizenship education in England and Wales’, in J. Arthur and H. Cremin (eds) Debates in Citizenship Education, London, Routledge, 3-16.
Beck, J. (2012) ‘Rupert Bear and the Making of English Citizens, New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship, 18, 1, 47-66.
- Beck, J. (2012) ‘Reinstating Knowledge: Diagnoses and Prescriptions for England’s Curriculum Ills’, International Studies in Sociology of Education (forthcoming).
Faculty of Education (2001-2008)